Thursday, June 26, 2008

BEACH BUNS!!!! and other goodies.

beach buns!!!! in progress. more coming this weekend. promise. i have a story to go with it to. i'm kinda excited about that.

i started painting a turtle and decided i didn't actually like the drawing, and then the animal sketched spiraled outward from that point.

and turned into sea creatures. (i drew the seals before the painting, but i have been too lazy to take out my HUGE scanner/printer until now. and now it's out it's going to sit on the floor indefinitely)

just trying to draw some people so i can feel comfortable getting back to work on becky's bugs.

anyways, running on reserve battery power now. more coming soon.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

baby seal

just messing around in painter.
let me know what you think.

i'll rescan and post some of my stuff from the semester soon, i'm not happy with the way it scanned just yet.